To carry out most of CEMMA activities, it is necessary the participation of its members and volunteers. CEMMA is registered in the Volunteering Registry of the Xunta de Galicia.

- Accompaniment of the Mobile Units in assistance to strandings.
- Seguimiento de las poblaciones más cercanas de cetáceos en el programa de monitorización costera.
- Monitoring the most coastal populations of cetaceans through the land-based monitoring program.
- Participate in boat-based monitoring programs.
- Helping in the divulgation and training programs.
- Specific workshops: osteology, photoid, underwater cleanings, ...
If you need more specific information about volunteering you can write to voluntariadocemma@gmail.com
Volunteer data protection pdf
If you want information about a membership, you can visit this link : membership


COMPLETE WEB by CEMMA is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No comercial-Sin obras derivadas 3.0 España License